MBA stands for Master of Business Administration, which is the most sorted after master's degree in business administration. The various areas of business are introduced to the students in the MBA program such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operation management etc.
Tip #1
If you plan to get a MBA degree from the very beginning then it is preferable to get into a bachelor's course which has at least one of the business subjects. It becomes an advantage. Although doing bachelors in a business subject is not a compulsion.
Tip #2
One can not predict the question pattern in the MBA entrance but the pattern of the marks obtain can surely be guessed. A sum of 60-65 in each of the three sections will surely get you good institutions.
Tip #3
Only a lot of practice will enable you to identify the question. Once you identify the question type it'll become easy for you to answer/solve it.
Tip #4
Don't consider any type of question unimportant while practicing because doing well in only one section won't help you clear the cut-offs and won't get you to good colleges.
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